The Cultural Center welcomes local events such as summer day camps, music and traditional dance classes, weddings, first communions, funeral receptions, seminars, as well as service learning/cultural exchange for students and educators from abroad. The Center and School complex employ a staff of 35 people (teachers, administrators, and support personnel) under the leadership of its founders.
The U.S./Haiti Cultural Exchange Program which began in 2001, and welcome students and colleagues from Wellesley College, St Michael College, Columbia, Brown, Harvard, Florida, and Michigan universities, and others. In 2003, the first course on the music, dance, and culture of Haiti, in location was held at the cultural center. The second such course was offered in the winter session of 2019. The Cultural Exchange Program offers Cultural Education Seminars on the Folkloric Music and Dance of the Central Plateau and surrounding areas. In these Seminars, Gawou Ginou partners with local artists, offering workshops on traditional dance and drumming, on the historical and cultural contexts for and socio-cultural development of these arts, experiential & applied learning & cultural literacy.
With an extensive library, conference and meeting space, and access to local expertise and international networks, C-CLAK is poised to serve as a leading research institution for the study of Haitian culture and society. Partnerships with Wellesley College, Brown University, and the local Partners in Health Hospital, as well as independent researchers have manifested the great potential of this institution to support research and applied learning