The perystile school concept emerged among Vodou practitioners, ZANTRAY, BODE NASYONAL, KOSANBA members, and applied researchers in discussions about the need for a more formal education system for the children of the Haitian masses. For years, Vodou practitioners have been forced to send their children to public and/or private schools that promote the western style education in opposition to traditional Haitian culture. Children and the public need access to modern information without demonizing their culture. The need for schools that can teach modern science while promoting respect for traditional knowledge became paramount. The Dibicha-Philate, a small village near Saut d’Eau, in the Central Plateau is the first formal attempt to establish such a school. The school opened in February 2015 under a rebuilt “Tonèl” of a Vodou temple for children ages 5 to 14 who have never been to school. The project runs immediately into some obstacles due to the rapid evangelization in Haiti in the past three to four decades. Now, in the process of reorganizing, the school under the GAWOU GINOU model, will reopen in the fall of this year.